Epic tips for remote work

Epicure is made up of an incredible network of women and men who are working their businesses from across North America—to help busy people bring good food to the table, quickly. While many people are currently transitioning to the new reality of working from home, Epicure Director Charlotte Whynott is sharing her most epic tips—she’s worked at home ‘building my little Epicure empire for 5.5 years, with a full gaggle of children underfoot the whole time.’ 


TIME BLOCKING: this is the single most important thing. Decide WHEN you are working, and when you are not. Do not try to spend your entire day multitasking... it will result in frustration from all parties. As long as I know "I get to work for 2 hours this afternoon while they watch Frozen", it lets me be a more happy, present version of myself as a parent AND a professional.   

FIND YOUR TIME: Me, I'm typically a night owl. I like to work a few daytime hours but LOVE saving all my paperwork/computer odds and ends for night time when the kids are all peaceful and sleeping!! I have other friends who wake up and rock the 5am scene... get up & get 'er done before the house is a buzz! Make it work for you. 

ROUTINES: Decide which routines are important to you and stick with them! For me, it's to get everyone up, teeth brushed, hair combed, and clothes on. I have learned that if I don't get up and do these things, all of a sudden it's 10:30am and I have not accomplished anything.  

BRAIN DUMP: You may not be able to get to tasks right away, and that just has to be okay! I find I get anxious and cranky at the kids if I feel like I SHOULD be doing something, and don't want to forget. So, anytime you feel that way, do a "brain dump". Keep your agenda or notebook close by so you can make a to-do list for later... after scribbling it onto the page, you can relax and know it's on the list and you'll get to it later! 

WORKSPACE: This one largely depends on the age of your kids and the layout of your home. Whether you have an office or a little corner of the kitchen table, make yourself a space so that when it's finally time to work, you aren't spending 15-20 minutes setting up each time and looking for your work stuff. 

CONNECTION & ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNERS: It can be lonely working from home... hello extroverts, I'm looking at you! 🙌 Find a friend and text them your top "to-do" items for the day and get them to send you theirs. Check-in through the day... hold yourself accountable to someone other than yourself! 

CLEANING: Do not, I repeat, do NOT stop working to fold the laundry or do the dishes! Everything will still be there waiting for you to power clean later during "family/non-work" time. You would not stop working at your desk to go home and switch the laundry so do not do that right now, either! Remember time blocking... work time is not laundry time! If you ever in your life thought your house would be cleaner by spending MORE time at home... you were wrong. Accept it and move on. 

KID DISTRACTIONS: I like to have sets of activities ready to swap out so I don't have to stop and set things up. Just general things like having the next set of magnet blocks, puzzles, sensory bins, a little box full of ponies, Play-Doh, etc. Kids may need happy distractions while you are working and at least you won't have to go digging through the playroom if you set yourself up for success each morning with a handful of free play type activities for as the day goes along. 

SCREEN TIME: this is definitely up to each family, but my best tip is to save a movie for the afternoon slump—when the kids are ready to Netflix and crash, and you can power through what's left on your to-do list for the day! A movie guarantees you 1.5+ hrs. Especially people working from home now just temporarily—your kids’ brains will not turn to mush just because they used their screens more than usual! The first time I spoke on stage at an Epicure event, I was asked to discuss how I got to leadership with kids at home. The answer: "Paw Patrol”! 

SNACK BINS: Make a shelf, basket or bin of handy, grab-and-go snacks. Anything from pre-cut/prepped veggies to recess-palooza! Fill up water bottles, just like you would if you were sending them off to daycare or school!  

SWITCH OFF: If you are lucky to have a partner who is also at home at this time, decide together who is on kid duty and at what time. Decide which priorities are important for each person, each day. For us right now, I’m is implementing the routine and the little bit of guided activities/learning in the mornings and their Daddy-o is on "fun duty" for the afternoons. 

BE KIND TO YOURSELF: Remote working might be totally new to you. Be gracious with yourself. You may need to lower your expectations of what you can accomplish each day. The beautiful thing about life is that there's always tomorrow to get stuff done! Or, if you're like me... there's always 9pm-1am!! 😂